Showing 4 results for Landslide Hazard Zonation
Sm Fatemiaghda, V Bagheri, Mr Mahdavi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2014)
In the present study, landslides occurred during 1997 Sarein, Iran earthquake are discussed and evaluated. In order to meet the objectives, the Computing with Words (CW), an approach using fuzzy logic systems in which words are used in place of numbers for computing and reasoning is applied. Firstly, the necessary information which include disturbance distance, ground class, moisture, shaking intensity, slope angle, slope height, soil depth, terrain roughness, and land-use have been collected using air photos, LANDSAT satellite images, geological and topographic maps, and site investigation of the studied region. The data is digitized and weighted using ARCGIS software. At the next step, the hazard rate and predicted areal concentrations of landslides with respect to their types are calculated using CAMEL software (Miles & Keefer, 2007). CAMEL provides an integrated framework for modeling all types of earthquake-induced landslides using geographical information system(GIS). Finally, landslides hazard map is compared to landslides triggered by Sarein earthquake.
H Atapour, R Ahmadi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)
In present research, landslide hazard zonation of Latian dam watershed area has been carried out using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Valuing area accumulation, Factor overlay and Information value methods. At first, different maps comprising slope, aspect, altitude, faults, drainage network, access roads, lithology, land use and friction angle maps were prepared digitally using GIS. Afterward affecting factors were evaluated using old landslides. The results of evaluation show that seven parameters are important effective factors on sliding in this area. These parameters were leaded to landslide zonation maps. These maps show that potentially high risk zones point of view landslides are located near the central and western boundaries of the reservoir. Performance of four used classification methods were evaluated and compared. The evaluation results show that Valuing area accumulation and Factor overlay are precise methods for evaluating landslide potential in the study area respectively
N Salimi , M Fatemiaghda , M Teshnehlab , Y Sharafi ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (2-2017)
Landslides are natural hazards that make a lot of economical and life losses every year. Landslide hazard zonation maps can help to reduce these damages. Taleghan watershed is one the susceptible basin to landslide that has been studied. In this paper, landslide hazard zonation of the study area is performed at a scale of 1:50,000. To achieve this aim, layers information such as landslides distribution, slope, aspect, geology (lithology), distance from the faults and distance from rivers using artificial neural network-based Radial Basis Function (RBF) and perceptron neural network (MLP), has been studied. Principal of RBF method is similar to perceptron neural network (MLP), which its ability somewhat has been identified up to now and there are several structural differences between these two neural networks. The final results showed that the maps obtained from both methods are acceptable but the MLP method has a higher accuracy than the RBF method.
Nafiseh Shokri, Dr Aliakbar Momeni,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2024)
The purpose of this study is to create a map of landslide hazard potential along the Tuskestan road using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. The effective parameters on landslides that were used in this study are lithology, slope, slope aspect, vegetation, distance from the road, distance from the stream, and distance from the fault. At the first, a map of each of these parameters is prepared and divided into three or four subgroups based on their changes. Then, using hierarchical analysis, for each of these subgroups based on the degree of superiority , a weight was assigned to compare them together, so that qualitative maps are converted into quantitative maps. The result of this weighting showed that lithology and slope had the greatest effect, while the distance from the fault had the least effect in landslide hazard zoning. The final weight of each layer was obtained by multiplying the weight of each parameter by the weight of its sub-group. Finally, these quantitative maps were integrated into the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment to obtain the final landslide hazard zonation map. Assessment of the location of the previous landslides showed that among the 7 old landslides, 6 landslides were in the range of high hazard potential and 1 landslide was in the relatively high hazard category, which indicates the accuracy of the landslide hazard map. The obtained hazard zoning map showed that 9.3% of this area with an area of 355 hectares is located in the category of high hazard potential of landslides.