Volume 17, Issue 1 (Spring 2023 2023)                   2023, 17(1): 42-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (1395 Views)
Waste management is a cornerstone of societal needs. The volume and composition of waste dictate the available disposal options, with landfill being a primary method. The selection of landfill sites is critically dependent on site characteristics and requires thorough and ongoing evaluation, particularly in the areas of water and soil contamination. This study started with geoelectrical and geochemical investigations in the vicinity of the landfill in the city of Damavand. It included 24 geoelectric soundings using the Schlumberger array, organized into 4 profiles covering three intervals. In parallel, three water samples, five soil samples and one leachate sample from two intervals were collected for laboratory analysis. Analyses revealed soil contamination at the waste accumulation site to a depth of two meters with a southerly extent. In particular, a cementitious layer prevents leachate from penetrating deeper into the soil. This, together with a very deep groundwater table, ensures that groundwater contamination is currently and in the foreseeable future prevented. Additional factors such as the depth of the groundwater table, the thickness of the unsaturated zone, the short life of the landfill, reduced rainfall and increased evaporation limit the volume of leachate. The pH of the leachate tends to be alkaline during dry periods and acidic during wet periods. Currently, parameters such as EC, TDS and various ionic and metallic concentrations remain within acceptable limits, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
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Type of Study: Case-Study | Subject: En. Geophisic
Received: 2023/02/9 | Accepted: 2023/05/17 | Published: 2023/06/20

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