Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)                   2011, 5(1): 1137-1158 | Back to browse issues page

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Jalili Ghazizade M, Abduli M A, Safari E, Gatmiri B. Development of a simplified image processing technique for determining crack intensity factor of compacted clayey soils. Journal of Engineering Geology 2011; 5 (1) :1137-1158
URL: http://jeg.khu.ac.ir/article-1-365-en.html
1- Ph.D. student, Faculty of Environmet, University of Tehran , mjalili@ut.ac.ir
2- Prof., Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran
3- Associate Research Director, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen's University
4- Prof., Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran
Abstract:   (9920 Views)
Desiccation cracking commonly occurring in compacted clayey soils typically used as landfill liners can result in poor hydraulic performance of the liner. In this research, a simplified image processing technique was developed in order to characterize desiccation cracking intensity in compacted clayey soils. Three pairs of compacted clayey soils were studied in a relatively large scale experiment to evaluate the effect of geotextile cover on desiccation cracking under real-time atmospheric conditions. Digital images were taken from the surface of soils at certain time intervals for 10 months and were analyzed to determine crack intensity factor (CIF). The key parameter in identification of cracks as accurately as possible was found to be sensitivity. Calibration process was based on using %20 of the images with different crack intensities whose crack dimensions and therefore CIF values have been already measured to compare to program output. A calibration coefficient for sensitivity was accordingly determined based on the average difference between the sensitivity introduced by the program and the actual sensitivity calculated based on an overlaying process. Result of verification of this methodology indicated that it can be reliably used to determine CIF of compacted clay soils in a simple yet accurate manner.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: En. Ecosystem
Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5

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