Most Downloaded Articles |
Relation between Information Literacy and Health Literacy of Students in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (10900 Downloads) |
Health Information-Seeking Behavior of Pregnant Women: A Grounded Theory Study (10896 Downloads) |
Developing the Conceptual Model of Research Problem Finding Using Directed Content Analysis (10856 Downloads) |
The socio - cognitive theory in information retrieval (IR) (10449 Downloads) |
Information seeking in inquiry-based learning pedagogy: Proposing a preliminary model (9629 Downloads) |
Website features analysis in the field of gamification focusing on the roles of the mediator of experience and attitude of users (Cace study: Digi Kala) (8617 Downloads) |
Media Literacy and Information Literacy and its Impact on Entrepreneurial Ability (7949 Downloads) |
Designing and Evaluating a Conceptual Model of Credibility Evaluation of Web Information: a Meta-synthesis and Delphi Study (7731 Downloads) |
Automatic Identification and Classification of the Iranian Traditional Music Scales (Dastgāh) and Melody Models (Gusheh): Analytical and Comparative Review on Conducted Research (6583 Downloads) |
Data Analysis Methods in Social Networks (5899 Downloads) |
Context-aware systems: concept, functions and applications in digital libraries (5732 Downloads) |
Information Interaction of Pregnant Women in Ninisite (5704 Downloads) |
The factors affecting the students' encouragement to use the social network sites as a virtual learning network (5650 Downloads) |
Knowledge Sharing Behavior Model of Iranian Professionals in experts’ social networks: exploring indexes (5533 Downloads) |
Identification of the underlying factors affecting information seeking behavior of users interacting with the visual search option in EBSCO: a grounded theory study (5350 Downloads) |
The relationship between the big five personality information-seeking behavior of graduate students (5307 Downloads) |
Exploring the Environmental Methods of Qualitative Researches in Persian Journals of Knowledge and Information Science (5259 Downloads) |
Conceptual Links between Three Theories of Information Behavior (5055 Downloads) |
Social Media in Public Libraries: Recognition of Applications, Obstacles and Problems of Use (4879 Downloads) |
Identifying the Effective factors on Pleasure reading (4453 Downloads) |
The State of Online Social networking among Library and Information Sciences Students (4401 Downloads) |
Iraqi and Afghan Immigrants Information Needs: Barriers and Effective Factors in Information Seeking Behaviors of Foreigners in Iran (4352 Downloads) |
Analyzing the Content of Adolescents Stories in terms of Identification Dimensions, Based on Erikson, Marcia and Berzonski's theories (4303 Downloads) |
Intellectual Structure of Knowledge in Information Behavior: A Co-Word Analysis (4157 Downloads) |
Use of Social Networks by University Students (4120 Downloads) |
Knowledge Translation and an Assessment of its Effectiveness in Medical Fields (4057 Downloads) |
Performance Evaluation of Medical Image Retrieval Systems Based on a Systematic Review of the Current Literature (3984 Downloads) |
Information commons: future of academic libraries (3943 Downloads) |
Investigating of the status of cybernetic pattern components in academic libraries of Iran from the viewpoint of managers (3871 Downloads) |
Study of the foundation, models and issues of research data curation and management in scientific and academic environments (3688 Downloads) |
Triggers and Barriers of Collaborative Information Behavior (CIB) Among Physicians: A Qualitative Study (3672 Downloads) |
What definition of information would be emancipatory one? (3563 Downloads) |
The complexities and evolution of the concepts of information and information behavior (3480 Downloads) |
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Web 2.0 Technology in E-Government from Citizen's Perspective and Providing a Model: Case of Government Offices in Hamadan (3467 Downloads) |
The Study of graduate Students’ Model Measuring Access and Use of Electronic Information (3442 Downloads) |
Information-Seeking Process of Shahid Chamran University Graduate Students and Their Use of Electronic, Print, and Human Information Resources (3392 Downloads) |
Survey the Opinion of Blind and Visually Impaired on Incorporating Gadgets in Providing Information Services and Resources to Them (3356 Downloads) |
Review and comparison of User Interface Characteristics of (Springer, Elsevier, Ebsco, ISI(WOS) and Ovid) as Perceived by University of Tehran Users (3351 Downloads) |
Collaborative Information Seeking Behavior: Concepts and Theories (3322 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Information Literacy and Learning Motivation in Undergraduate students (3263 Downloads) |
The Role of Online Social Networks in Users' Everyday-Life Information Seeking (3232 Downloads) |
Sources of anxiety during information seeking process (3180 Downloads) |
Place of Internet in Health information seeking behavior: Case of young Internet users in Shiraz (3151 Downloads) |
nature of information literacy in elementary schools Case study of Persian literature in fourth grade (3150 Downloads) |
Developmental Process of Critical Thinking in Awareness of Violence and Social- Gender Stereotypes by Using P4C (3137 Downloads) |
An Investigation of Information Seeking Behavior of Graduate Students of Kharazmi University in Writeing Dissertation (3127 Downloads) |
The Need for Cognition on Collaborative Information Behavior of MA Students of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Allameh Tabatabai University (3119 Downloads) |
Identifying Credibility Criteria in Scholarly Communication (Reading and Citing) form the Standpoints of Faculty Members of Kharazmi University (3038 Downloads) |
Factors affecting the commercialization of scientific research results in knowledge-based companies in Iran (3034 Downloads) |
A Sociological Definition and Categorization of Information Ethics (3028 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 637867 |