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Farhad Fathi, Kourosh Fathi Vagargah, Esmaeil Jafari, Mojtaba Vahidi Asl,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Background and purpose: Digital developments and the emergence of artificial intelligence in the field of education and learning, especially in the field of training managers and human resources, require fundamental changes and innovation in educational approaches. In this regard, the aim of the current research was to Designing a Workplace Digital Curriculum Based on Artificial Intelligence Components
Method: Based on the purpose, the present research is applied, and in terms of data collection, it is a qualitative design. Among the various qualitative methods, the grounded theory method of the foundation was used with the constructivist approach of Charmaz. The current research community is all specialists in the field of curriculum, educational technology, educational technology and artificial intelligence, and the samples included 23 specialists. In order to collect information, semi-structured interview, observation and study of documents were used. In order to analyze the data in this research, the three-step method of Susanne Friese including noticing, collecting and thinking was done with the help of Atlas t.i software.
Findings: phase curriculum model includes phase1 curriculum (learning based on specific pattern, classification and organization of content, linear learning, learning under external supervision, reinforcement learning and mutual understanding of language), phase2 curriculum (combined knowledge in learning, optimal building learning, learning from incomplete data, reasoning-based learning, predicting the learning process and facing learning problems) and phase3 curriculum (facing non-linear problems, deep learning, unsupervised learning, expertise in learning, semantic parallelism, self-directed learning and flexibility in learning).
Conclusion: This model is designed based on the phase logic of artificial intelligence and can help to improve the effectiveness of the digital workplace curriculum. Based on the background studies, no research was found that could organize the digital workplace curriculum in this way, and therefore, the findings of the current research and the final output were completely unique.

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