Guidelines for writing articles

 | Post date: 2023/05/19 | 
Article acceptance conditions
Submitted articles should have innovation, originality and knowledge enhancement – enough to make them worthy of publication-. Articles that lack innovation in method, approach, issue and topic will not be reviewed. Also, articles that only describe a phenomenon or the behavior of a group that only have internal application are not reviewed. In terms of the structure and content of the articles, authors must observe the following points: Acceptance of works is possible only electronically through the journal’s website.
Articles must not have been previously published in another journal or conference proceedings, or submitted for this purpose.
Articles translated from other languages will not be accepted.
The title (Farsi and English) of the article should be concise, accurate and express the topic. The title of the article can contain a maximum of 15 words.
The abstract (Persian and English) should be at least 200 and at most 300 words and it should be prepared in a comprehensive (structured) manner, in such a way that the context and purpose, method, findings and conclusions are stated.
Provide between 5 to 10 Persian and English keywords that are accurate and related to the content of the article.
Full names and surnames of authors (Persian and English) should be provided along with organizational affiliation, including academic degree and university rank, name of university (institute), address and email address (e-mail).
Among the authors, the responsible author should be identified for further correspondence.
In the common framework of scientific works, authors can use their creativity to formulate the structure of the article. However, it is crucial that the content of the article well expresses the problem, objectives, questions, background, method, findings, discussion and conclusion.
Scientific principles should be observed in writing and presenting content. It is also necessary for the originality, innovation and knowledge enhancement or the contribution of the study in advancing the desired scientific field to be clearly understood from the content of the article.
Review articles from experienced authors in specialized fields are accepted if they cite reliable sources and have special innovation. It is mandatory to follow the Persian script approved by
the academy. Also, the magazine welcomes brevity in writing and logical effort to use Persian words, simple and clean writing. Direct quotations should be limited and at most in one paragraph with italics and from the beginning of the line and inside quotation marks . The typesetting of the submitted articles should be in the size of a standard page A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) in the form of one column, with a space between lines of 1 cm, with B Mitra font size 13, and for Latin texts with Times New Roman font size 11 The environment of Microsoft Word 2007 or higher editions should be done with a margin of 2.5 cm from the left and right and a distance of 3 cm from the top and bottom of the paper. The English abstract should be prepared in accordance with the text of the Persian abstract and mentioned on a separate page at the end of the article. It is necessary to note that all the information related to the title, authors, organizational affiliation, correspondence address of the responsible author, including email, should also be mentioned on the English page. Follow punctuation rules in text writing. For example, before period (.), comma (,) and question mark (?), inserting a space is not necessary, but after them, inserting a space is required. It is mandatory to observe semi-spaces in typing the article. All pages of the article, including pages with figures, tables, and images, should have the same spacing and page number. Limit the number of tables as much as possible. It is necessary to mention the number, title and source (if any) for tables, figures and diagrams. In total, the entire work with references should be no more than 20 pages (6000 words). The journal is free to accept or reject the received articles.
The responsibility of the content of the received articles lies with the authors and the journal Is not responsible in this regard.
In compiling the citations in the text and the list of sources at the end of the article, as well as the structure of the tables and diagrams, the journal follows the APA model (Sixth Edition of the American Psychological Association Writing and Citation Manual) and the submitted articles must follow this model. Sources must be documented and authentic. Based on this, the list of sources used in the article should be provided at the end of the article in alphabetical order. It should be noted that from the beginning of 2015, all sources must be prepared in English and arranged alphabetically. Based on this, the method of providing sources is as follows: authored and translated book: author’s last name, name. (year of publication). The title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher. Last name of the author, first name. (year of publication). The title of the book. Translator’s name. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example for Persian book:
Rahimi, M., Mazdaki, A. (2015). How we could survive in information age. Tehran: Cheshmeh Publishing Co. (Persian)
author's last name, first name. (year of publication). Title. Journal name, year or period, journal number, article page number.
Examples for Persian articles

Publishing ethics
Satahian, M., Nobakhtian, M., Mahmoudi, M. (2010). Information needs and assessments. Human Information Interaction.(persian2))100-98
It is mandatory to mention up to six authors, if there are more than six, mention three dots after the sixth author and only the last author.
Authors’ commitment file (Cover letter): In this file, the responsible author acknowledges in a letter to the editor on behalf of other authors that the article was taken from original data and was prepared in compliance with the principles of professional ethics, as well as the originality of the article and the absence of simultaneous submission Or if the previous publication is announced in any other form and language.
Conflict of interest: At the end of the text of the commitment file, the responsible author must reveal all the dependencies that may be considered as the possibility of creating a conflict of interest, and if there is no conflict of interest, it must be mentioned in the text. Funding Authors must declare in the article that they have received any financial support or grant in various forms directly or in the form of plans and projects.
The process of reviewing the articles
Each of the articles is sent anonymously and confidentially after the initial review by the editor or deputy editor to at least two judges who are selected by the editorial board, and after receiving the results of the judgment, the decision is made based on “acceptance”. “rejected” or “requires correction” will be reported to the responsible author. If the article is accepted or after making the necessary corrections, the article will be published. The minimum time for reviewing articles will be one month from the time of receiving the article.
The flow diagram of the acceptance process of the article
Regulations for the prevention of plagiarism and scientific fraud
The registration of the article in the human interaction and information system will notify all the authors of the article by sending an email. It is obvious that the inclusion of the authors’ names in the article is their essential role in editing the article. If the authors of the article had no role in editing the article and their names had been misused, please inform them immediately through the received email. All authors are responsible for the originality of the article. The right to evaluate cases of academic plagiarism and revocation of credit is reserved for the journal. Academic plagiarism has various forms, including:
registering other people’s articles in your own name;
Including the names of authors and researchers who did not contribute to the article;
copying or duplicating significant parts of another article (even if the copied article belongs to one of the authors of the new article);
Projecting the results of other people’s research in one’s own name;
Repeated publication of articles by a single author in several publications;
Expressing false results and contradicting scientific findings or distorting the results of research;
Using invalid data or manipulating research data.
Cases of academic plagiarism are investigated by the authorities of the journal and to protect the reputation and efforts of other researchers, without any tolerance or connivance. According to the amount of academic plagiarism, the article will be rejected and if it is published, it will be removed from the journal’s website. names of all the authors of the article will be included in the blacklist of the journal. Legal actions will be taken from the competent judicial authorities. Through an official letter, the plagiarism file will be shared with other universities and institutions and related domestic and foreign publications. Through an official letter, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), universities, institutes, publications and any place where the authors have used the privilege of publishing this article will be informed.

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