Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)                   Human Information Interaction 2023, 10(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (3179 Views)
Introduction: In daily life, human beings are constantly in the position of making simple or important decisions, so in order to make the best decision, it is inevitable to interact with information. In the present era, when the era of change from industrial society to post-industrial society or information society has been dubbed, information is considered as the most basic assets for human beings and human societies, and the foundation of information society is based on information. In other words, in today's world, a society that has superiority over other societies in terms of information is considered advanced. The growth and development of different science fields can be evaluated according to the research activities carried out in that field. The strength of these activities is the publication of scientific-research publications. The scientific value and validity of publications is undeniable at the time of publication and also after the passage of time. Therefore, knowing the position of the country's scientific research publications with their different and important functions requires great attention. The amount of scientific productions in the form of articles along with the quality of magazines and the amount of use of these resources by people in the society is one of the indicators of the scientific growth of the society. In the meantime, the scientific quarterly of human-information interaction is published by the Department of Information Science and Knowledge of Kharazmi University in cooperation with the Scientific Association for the Promotion of Public Libraries of Iran in the form of an electronic quarterly. Human and Information Interaction Journal publishes original research articles and critical review works in the field of human and information interaction, human information behavior, and related topics.
Purpose: Almost a decade has passed since the publication of research articles in the Scientific Journal of Human and Information Interaction requires that its research record be studied in order to gather and analyze the researches that have been carried out, the existing gaps in the research topics, trends. and recognized the research priorities and found the subject bias of the research done over time. to review the content of the articles in the Human and Information Interaction Quarterly.
Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and content analysis type. And because this research tries to describe and evaluate the content of the articles of the Human and Information Interaction Quarterly, it is of the type of content analysis. Content analysis The researcher tries to provide the necessary answer to a specific question in a coordinated action while identifying all the conducted researches and evaluating them accurately. Therefore, in this study, by analyzing the content and using a descriptive approach, the frequency of the subject under investigation is determined and a conclusion is made based on it. The statistical population of the present study includes all the scientific and research articles published in the scientific-research quarterly "Human and Information Interaction" from the spring of 2014 to the winter of 2022, which were published in 9 periods. The number of articles was 242, all of which were subjected to content analysis. The tool used was made by the Checklist  researcher.
The obtained data were analyzed using Excel software. Descriptive statistics methods, such as data classification according to distribution and frequency percentage, as well as graphs and tables, have been used in data analysis. By referring to each issue of the magazine and its articles, the content analysis information includes the number of articles published in the quarterly, the number of authors by gender, the scientific rank of the authors, the field/trend, and the topics and axes of the authors' attention, Participating universities/organizations, statistical community, approach, type, level of analysis, strategy and time period of the researches were investigated. Sampling was not used and all elements of the society were investigated by census.
Findings: 242 articles have been published in the Quarterly Journal of Human and Information Interaction during 9 periods of articles, Of these, the largest number of articles were published in 2014. Thematic areas: Examining the titles of the articles and the keywords used in the collection of articles published in the studied journal showed that, in general, the articles can be categorized into 11 main topics and 165 sub-topics. The main areas are: Information management) Data management Human and information interaction, ignoring, avoiding, avoiding information, rejecting information, information search process model, information technology model, information sharing behavior, information architecture, information technology application, information and communication technology, information search process model, information literacy, poverty/ Information poverty, scientific information environment, general information environment, information realism, employment information behavior, information literacy measurement, information access, information credibility assessment, information behavior modeling, web information credibility, information culture, electronic information, information management, personal information management , information sources, information location, information system, Data management Human and information interaction, ignoring, avoiding, avoiding information, rejecting information, information search process model, information technology model, information sharing behavior, information architecture, information technology application, information and communication technology, information search process model, information literacy, poverty/ Information poverty, scientific information environment, general information environment, information realism, employment information behavior, information literacy measurement, information access, information credibility assessment, information behavior modeling, web information credibility, information culture, electronic information, information management, personal information management , information sources, information location, information system، 38%), information seeking behavior(Information seeking behavior Knowledge sharing behavior, consumer behavior, information behavior, unplanned behavior, collaborative information seeking behavior, employment information behavior, relational information seeking behavior, information seeking behavior, information seeking interaction behavior, inquiry behavior, health information seeking behavior, information seeking behavior, human information behavior , reading behavior, 23%), social network (Research Gate, Instagram, Social Media, Social Media Fatigue, Social Network, Scientific Graph Network, Network, Internet Social Network, Facebook, Social Network Analysis, Continuous Social Networks, Scientific Social Network, Online Social Network, Virtual Social Network, Big Data In social network, specialized social network, artificial neural network, selfie, social media, mobile phone based social network, 18%), research method (Research Methodology Grand theory, Koolthau model, qualitative approach, thematic analysis, semantic analysis, Meta composition, metanalysis, qualitative study, self-efficacy in qualitative research, fuzzy Delphi, database method, Delphi method, quantitative method, methodology, exploratory method, clustering, interactive content, methodology Research, methodological diversity, scientometrics, synonyms, fact-based interview, mixed approach, trend analysis, altmetrics, research problems, Ellis model, citation analysis, cybernetic revelation model, hierarchical analysis process, fuzzy method, data-based theory18%), library (16%), user (8%), retrieval (8%), information need (6%) %), information base (2%), information science and Knowledge (2%) and organization (1%) are assigned, with the largest share related to information management with 38% and the lowest share related to organization with 1%. Gender of the authors: 53% of them were men and 47% of them were women. According to the findings of the research, the most participants in writing articles are assistant professors (158), Associate Professor 119, doctorate student (114), master's student (100), doctorate (47), professor (42), unreported (20), student Bachelor's degree (12), postdoctoral degree (1).
Researchers in the field of information science and Knowledge have contributed the most in writing articles with 75%. Researchers in the field of business management (12%), educational sciences (2%), and information technology (01%) contributed more than other fields in writing articles in the journal. The most participation was by the authors of Kharazmi University; Also, Isfahan University with 27 article titles, Azad University with 25 article titles, Tehran University with 21 article titles, Beheshti University with 18 article titles, and Chamran University with 15 article titles Unreported 14 article titles, Al-Zahra University 10 article titles, Allameh Tabatabai University 10 article titles, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 10 article titles, Tabriz University 9 article titles, Tarbiat Modares 8 article titles, Shiraz University 7 article titles, Shahid University 5 article titles, Mohaghegh Ardabili University 5 article titles  respectively have contributed the most in writing articles. The population of quantitative researches was students, professors, and academics. In terms of the research approach, among the 242 published articles, 123 articles were conducted with a quantitative approach, which includes 51% of the research, and qualitative research accounted for 28%, and mixed research for 21%.
Strategy of research results: applied researches with 185 numbers have the highest percentage of 77% of the human and information interaction quarterly, and developmental and fundamental researches are in the next ranks with 32% and 25%, respectively. Also, the most applied researches, 10 titles, belong to the fourth issue of the five-year period of 2018, and the most basic researches, 5 titles, were published in the fourth issue of 2021. Research method strategy: According to the findings of the research, descriptive research with 167 titles is the highest percentage (69 percent),  and correlation research 35% in the second rank and experimental research with 30 titles with 13% frequency in the rank are next. In the following, comparative and historical causal researches with 5 article titles are at the End. The level of research analysis: The findings of the research show that the level of
analysis of 78% of the articles published in the quarterly is the group level, and the individual, intersection, and organizational levels account for a total of 21% of the researches. The review of the articles shows that 64% of the researches conducted in the Scientific Quarterly of Human and Information Interaction have used primary data to conduct the research. Data collection method: Most researches have used questionnaires (74%) to collect data. The interview method is ranked next with (24%).
Conclusion: The analysis of the distribution of the gender frequency of the authors of the articles showed the difference in the role-creation of men compared to women in writing articles. In such a way that men have had a greater contribution and role in writing articles. The frequency distribution of the organizational affiliation of the authors of the articles showed that the most participation was by the authors of Kharazmi University. This indicates the fact that the researchers of Kharazmi University are more inclined to send their researches and achievements to their university journal, and naturally, this tendency increases the acceptance rate and the high percentage of participation of the researchers of this university in publishing articles. Considering that the field of organization has received less attention from researchers, besides the need to investigate the reasons for the low interest of researchers in this field in an independent research it is suggested that the editorial board and judges determine research priorities in the subject areas.
Due to the limitation of the research method used in 69% of the articles, it seems that the variety of research methods in the acceptance and publication of the journal articles should be given more attention by the reviewers, editor-in-chief, and other officials. In some informational articles, such as Society and statistical sample, the exact title of the university, organization, orientation, author's field, etc. are not mentioned, so it is suggested that the editorial board and the internal manager pay more attention. The data collection tool is a set of questionnaires and other tools are used less. Therefore, it is suggested that the editorial board and judges pay more attention to the acceptance of articles that use other tools to collect data. It is obvious that using various tools helps to increase the scientific richness of researches. Due to the unequal participation of researchers from different scientific fields in publishing articles in the quarterly journal, publishing articles in different fields with an almost equal ratio in each issue of the journal can solve this imbalance and equality. Also, the determination of research needs by the journal can lead researchers to other fields. About 77 percent of the reviewed researches were of applied type and exploratory researches had a smaller contribution; Therefore, it is suggested that the acceptance of exploratory researches should also be prioritized; Because this type of research helps to expand existing knowledge in line with research goals.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special

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