Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2021)                   Human Information Interaction 2021, 7(4): 59-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Haseli D, Taghipour A, Esmaili Givi M R, Akbarnejad R. Classification and prioritize of services quality based on Kano's customer satisfaction model, Asymmetric Impact-Performance Analysis and SERVQUAL. Human Information Interaction 2021; 7 (4)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2982-en.html
Abstract:   (12432 Views)
Purpose: The purpose is to classify the components of SERVQUAL services quality in public libraries based on Kano's customer satisfaction model, prioritize them based on the Asymmetric Impact‌-Performance Analysis and, determining the classification of SERVQUAL components according to users’ groups.
Methodology: This is an applied descriptive survey. Population included active members aged 15 and older in the five public libraries of Qaemshahr, Iran.  Stratified random sampling was used. Instruments included customer satisfaction and SERVQUAL questionnaires.  Multiple regression analysis conducted, creating two Dummy Variables of penalty and reward. SERVQUAL components were classified into three groups of: Basic, performance and excitement services. Asymmetric Impact‌-Performance Analysis on overall users’ satisfaction was   calculated.
Findings: Shows that accountability features of the group of basic services with high-performance, characteristics of responsiveness in the group of performance services with low-performance, and the three characteristics of physical dimensions with low performance, reliability and empathy, and attention with high-performance are in the group of excitement services. Prioritization features identified increasing and maintaining level of performance of: 1) responsiveness; 2) physical dimension; 3) responsibility; 4) reliability; and 5) empathy and attention.  Moreover, demographic features exhibited that women were more satisfied. Age, education, and history of using the library has increased users' satisfaction. With the surge of the level of users' satisfaction with the physical dimensions and reliability has increased then the level of satisfaction with empathy and attention has decreased.
Conclusion: This study was first to enter the literature of nonlinear analysis of users' satisfaction by Kano's model and Asymmetric Impact‌-Performance Analysis measuring service quality of public libraries. Nonlinear analysis enabled the determination of priority of actions based on positive/negative performance compared to linear regression coefficient. Also, disclosed the variation of level of satisfaction of diverse groups of users in terms of gender, age, education and history of use.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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