Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2024)                   Human Information Interaction 2024, 10(4): 38-55 | Back to browse issues page

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parchami afra S, mirmehdi S M. Investigating the intention of online review by users based on the technology acceptance approach (the case of the Digi-Kala website). Human Information Interaction 2024; 10 (4)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3140-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.
Abstract:   (1956 Views)
Purpose: Internet and electronic services have become an integral part of the life of every member of society. People do many of their jobs, including obtaining and collecting information, buying products, booking hotels, banking services, and downloading movies, books, music, etc., through the Internet. There are various methods to gain the trust of customers in electronic business, one of the methods which is an introduction to the subject of this research is the use of electronic word-of-mouth advertising or E-Wom. In such a way that most of the customers are looking for a better evaluation of the products based on word-of-mouth advertising. Information about products and services shared by customers over the Internet is considered cost-effective; Therefore, information can be shared with many people at the same time with minimal cost. This type of communication not only affects the attitudes and behaviors of consumers but also affects the brand image of customers. Today, applications, e-commerce websites, and social networking platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have created enough space for users to connect with brands. Communication that existed offline in the past has become more interactive. Consumers communicate with customers and other brands through mobile phones, and various social websites such as (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram) by writing comments and online reviews on these sites. Needless to say, as the importance of online reviews is rapidly increasing. Online reviews are comments made by online visitors or potential customers about a product or service. These reviews are known as a tool for social benchmarking. User-generated content helps businesses build an online presence as well as build trust among design visitors. Online reviews have become an important source of information that allows consumers to seek accurate and reliable information by sharing the experiences of other consumers. A product or service review is made by a consumer who has experienced a service or purchased a product. Reviews are posted online on various platforms by consumers who have used or experienced a product or service. Also, a review of a product or service reflects the opinions and experiences of a customer in purchasing a product or service.Online reviews are becoming important sources of infor-
The Journal of Human Information Interaction is supported by Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
This work is published under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

mation for shoppers, influencing 20-50% of online purchase decisions. Many customers and consumers look for online reviews as the first step when making a purchase. Online reviews play an important role in predicting sales of many products and services and brand trust. Online reviews are as important to business as they are to customers.
 There are several reasons why online reviews are important and will help build strong relationships with potential customers as well as increase sales and attract leads.It is very important to identify the factors that cause consumers to write reviews, and consider the acceptance of a new technology. Intention is not only an expression of clarity about the possible course of future action in a particular situation; Rather, it reflects the degree of preparation and intensity of efforts that are expected to lead to the desired outcome. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) explains how people's performance of a specific behavior is determined by their behavioral intention for a specific task. TAM is developed to predict the possible adoption of a new technology by an individual or an organization. This model is based on the theory of reasoned action, which explains that behavior is determined by the intention to perform that behavior, attitude towards the behavior, and social pressure to perform that behavior  Therefore, the current research was conducted in Hamedan City to investigate the intention of customers to do online review with the technology acceptance approach.
 Research method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of this research was the citizens of Hamedan. the sample size was 7 times the number of questions, i.e., 161 people, which were selected by the available sampling method. The formula 5q≤n≤15q was used to determine the sample size in structural equation studies. Sampling was obtained on the spot and through the online space. The tool for collecting data and information in this research is the use of an online questionnaire, including 21 questions, and data analysis has been done through the structural equation test and the partial least squares method using SPSS and SmartPls software. For construct validity, the measurement model of this research including convergent and divergent validity was conducted using Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, AVE index, and Fornell and Larcker table. Composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient should be at least 0.7, which is acceptable based on the findings obtained from data analysis. The AVE index and factor loadings should also be greater than 0.5, which showed an acceptable value based on the results obtained from the data analysis.
According to the criteria of Fornell and Larker, a structural model should have more dispersion among its observables in comparison to other model structures, to be able to say that the hidden variable in question has high diagnostic validity. Therefore, the root mean extracted from each hidden variable must be greater than the maximum correlation of that hidden variable with other hidden variables. The results of the Fornell-Larker test showed that all the values on the main diameter are greater than the values in the corresponding column, which indicates that the used model has acceptable validity.
Findings: This research was conducted to investigate the intention of online reviews by customers according to the technology acceptance approach. According to the purpose and conceptual model of the research, seven hypotheses have been defined for examination. According to the results obtained from the structural equation method, the hypothesis of the significant effect of subjective norms on the perceived usefulness of online reviews is confirmed, and also based on the positiveness of the path coefficient, its effect is also direct. That is, the higher the subjective norms, the greater the understand
The Journal of Human Information Interaction is supported by Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
This work is published under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

ing of the usefulness of online reviews. Based on the obtained results, the hypothesis of the significant effect of subjective norms on the perception of ease of use was confirmed. Also, due to the positive path coefficient, this effect is direct. That is, the higher the subjective norms of people concerning writing an online review, the greater the perception of ease of use.
 So, it can be concluded that when people notice the approval and acceptance of their online opinions by other people and understand that their opinions give other people a correct understanding of the product and service, it causes learning. It is easier for these people to write online comments on the Digikala site than for other people; Therefore, it creates the thought in these people that writing online comments is simple and easy for other people as well. According to the findings, the hypothesis of a significant effect of perceived behavioral control on the perceived usefulness of writing online comments has been confirmed. Due to the positiveness of the path coefficient, this hypothesis has a direct effect. That is, the greater the perceived behavioral control for writing an online review, the greater the usefulness. Considering the results of the research, the effect of perceived behavioral control on the perception of ease of use for writing online reviews by customers has been confirmed. That is, the more a person's behavioral control for writing an online review, the greater the perceived ease of use. According to the confirmation of this hypothesis, it can be concluded that having self-confidence, sufficient resources, opportunity and confidence in their opinions gives users a correct understanding of its simplicity and therefore it is easier for them to write online comments on the Digikala site. Therefore, this mentality is created for them that it is easy to write an online review on the Digikala site. According to the results, the hypothesis of a significant effect of perceived usefulness on the customer's attitude towards writing an online review has been confirmed. Considering the positive path coefficient of this hypothesis, its effect is also direct. That is, the higher the perceived usefulness of writing an online review, the more positive the users' attitude is. It can be concluded that to increase the attitude of users about writing online reviews, the role of these comments in increasing the information of other users and improving the performance and its role in purchasing the product and in general the usefulness of these comments should be understood. Based on the results of this research, the hypothesis of a significant effect of the perceived ease of use on the customer's attitude towards writing an online review was not confirmed and the hypothesis was rejected; Therefore, it can be concluded that the simplicity and ease of writing an online review on the Digikala site does not affect the users' attitude and other factors change the customers' attitude. The results obtained from this research show that the hypothesis of the significant effect of attitude on the customer's intention to write an online review has been confirmed. Due to the positive path coefficient, this effect is direct. That is, the more a person's attitude towards writing an online review is, the more the users will intend to do it; Therefore, it can be concluded that if writing online comments increases the awareness of consumers and changes their attitude, and also causes the transfer of positive and negative feelings about the products and services of the Digikala website, it makes users more intent to write online reviews.
Conclusion: Based on the present research, the online review intention can be explained by the technology acceptance approach. Based on this, having a favorable attitude towards online reviews is the basis of the intention to do it. Also, most of the variables related to the technology acceptance
The Journal of Human Information Interaction is supported by Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
This work is published under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

model shape the attitude toward online reviews. Therefore, paying attention to these variables is vital for those active in the field of electronic retailers.According to the confirmation of the first and second hypotheses regarding the positive and meaningful effect of subjective norms on the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, a trained and organized team can be deployed in the DigiKala organization and encourage and accept the online reviews of customers. and remind them that their online comments will make other users understand the products and services correctly and introduce writing online comments as an easy and simple task. According to the confirmation of the third and fourth hypothesis, which shows the positive and significant effect of perceived behavioral control on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, facilities such as praise and discount, as well as assuring users of their purchase, can increase the confidence of users. Also, due to the correct understanding of the beneficial effect of their comments on other users, and also considering the various ways to increase the self-confidence of users, he reminded them of the ease of writing online reviews and encouraged them to write online reviews. participate Considering that the fifth hypothesis is based on the confirmation of the positive and meaningful effect of perceived usefulness on users' attitudes, it is possible to write about the advantages and Positive Effects of Online Reviews on Payment Purchase Decisions. It is also possible to increase users' information about online reviews, which will change users' attitudes and encourage them to write online comments. According to the confirmation of the seventh hypothesis, which shows the positive and significant effect of the user's attitude toward writing an online review on the intention to write an online review, the DigiKala organization can educate users that online comments will increase their awareness. Also, these comments will convey positive and negative feelings about products and services so that users can use these comments before buying. Considering the importance of the role of online review in creating trust and selling more products, it is suggested that the role of online review be done for other areas in the e-commerce industry, such as tourism in Iran, buying and selling tickets, etc. The wider statistical community including the big cities of Iran that have a history of buying and using e-commerce services and online reviews should be considered to obtain more accurate and extensive results in this matter. It is useful to add variables as mediating variables or moderators related to the variables in this research to achieve more accurate results. The role of users' personalities and the moderating role of demographic variables can also be studied in the future to obtain a comprehensive understanding of online review behaviors.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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