Volume 8, Issue 4 (2-2022)                   Human Information Interaction 2022, 8(4): 15-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Abolghasemi M, Fahimnia F. Machine Learning and Citizen Science: Opportunities and Challenges of Human-Computer Interaction. Human Information Interaction 2022; 8 (4)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2987-en.html
University of Tehran
Abstract:   (3052 Views)
Background and Aim: In processing large data, scientists have to perform the tedious task of analyzing hefty bulk of data. Machine learning techniques are a potential solution to this problem. In citizen science, human and artificial intelligence may be unified to facilitate this effort. Considering the ambiguities in machine performance and management of user-generated data, this paper aims to explain how machine learning can be combined with the active citizenship concept. In addition, it discusses the necessary conditions for advancing the citizen science and beyond.
Method: The review method and comprehensive systematic study was applied to assess the concept of machine learning, citizen science and human-computer interaction.
Results: Many research problems seem to be computationally insolvable and may demand human cognitive skills. Therefore, due to classification activities which are performed in the majority of large-scale citizenship science projects, in addition to participants who may learn lessons about the science, machines also learn lessons about human and imitate him and slowly its learning capacity enhances over time. Artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning is a debatable topic with related ambiguities and biases which should strongly take into consideration.
Conclusion: The application of machine learning techniques carries many advantages including classification time cut and masterful evaluations in the process of making decisions on big data sets. However, algorithms usually act as a black box where data biases are not observable at first glance. Taking this problem into consideration may mitigate serious risks arising from the application of such techniques.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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