Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2021)                   Human Information Interaction 2021, 7(4): 46-58 | Back to browse issues page

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hajihoseini E, sanavifard R, hamidizadeh A. Presenting a Digital Content Marketing Model (Case Study: Instagram Bloggers). Human Information Interaction 2021; 7 (4)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2973-en.html
Abstract:   (2934 Views)
Background and Aim: Instagram content is of concerns to business owners today. Nevertheless, the central problem in the production of Instagram content is not just writing a text. But how the audience conveys and comprehends it. This article aims to provide a digital content marketing model for Instagram bloggers.
Research Method: This is an applied mixed research (quantitative and qualitative). Population of qualitative part includes experts in the field of digital content marketing. Sample for this section consisted of 20 individuals using purposive sampling method.   In the quantitative part population consisted of all Instagram bloggers. Sample of 400 individuals selected based on Cochran's formula by stratified random method. Instruments were interviews and researcher-made questionnaires that approximately 600 questionnaires were sent online and 400 were returned. Lisrel and smartpls3 software were used to analyze the data.
Findings: Results identified 36 components and 95 indicators that 7 effective components including:  Motivation, business intelligence, audience experience, preferences and tastes, research and development, creativity and influencers which respectively 0.119, 0.138, 0.105, 0.222, 0.128, 0.144 and 0.212 had an impact on digital content marketing. Furthermore, 11 components of competitiveness, communication, audience trust, value creation for the audience, promoting e-learning culture, loyalty and persuasion to buy, brand awareness, brand health, e-marketing effectiveness, word of mouth and participation influenced by digital content marketing. In addition, mechanisms, facilitators and barriers to digital content marketing were presented.
Conclusion: Results could be used as a first step in the study of digital content for Instagram bloggers and are also applicable to marketing and consumer behavior professionals. Paying attention to the content of bloggers' pages on Instagram in the field of marketing provides favorable conditions for improving consumers' attitudes towards online advertising and sales.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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