Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)                   Human Information Interaction 2019, 6(1): 30-43 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaffari M, Nasiri S S. Explaining the Effective Factors in Tracking Information in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Communication in Kashan Foreign Tourists. Human Information Interaction 2019; 6 (1)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2747-en.html
Farabi Campus, Tehran University
Abstract:   (3170 Views)
Background and Aim: Today, word of mouth communication plays a significant role in customer's decision-making, especially in the service environment, particularly tourism. However, it should be noted that several factors influence the pursuit of information (information tracking) in this type of communication that needs to be identified and strengthened.Therefore, the present study aims to provide a model for explaining effective factors in tracking information in electronic word of mouth communication among foreign tourists who have traveled to Kashan in the summer of  2016.   
Methods: The present research is applied and the method of data collection is descriptive-survey.The sample size was estimated to 150 people according to Morgan and Krejcie tables and random sampling was performed.To collect the research data, 28 questionnaires and 8 demographic questionnaires were designed by reviewing the theoretical foundations of the research.
Results: Of the eleven hypotheses, three hypotheses of the effect of perceived ease on mental involvement and the effect of trustworthiness and mental involvement on information follow up were confirmed, and eight other hypotheses were rejected. Therefore, mental involvement is not affected by the source trustworthiness, validity of the message, and the perceived benefits of online counseling communication. Subjective conflict can be influenced by the perceived ease of online counseling communication and perception fun. Comes from online communication communications. The source's trustworthiness and perceived benefits and perceived enjoyment of online advices do not affect its follow-up, and the validity of the message in online advocacy communications is effective in tracking it. Mental conflicts with online advocacy are also affected by follow-up.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the research, marketing and tourism experts should strive to advertise their services and awareness to the tourists through the use of the Internet and social media capabilities.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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