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Showing 1 results for Curriculum Components

, , , Parvin Samadi, ,
Volume 8, Issue 42 (3-2021)

Purpose of this study is to extract the components and elements of the home-school sex education curriculum. Research method in this research, is the synthesis of related research works taken from databases in the period of 2010 to 2020. 376 scientific researches were identified and after the necessary studies, 19 researches entered the first stage of synthesis; using the Suškevičs, Hahn and Rodela synthesis method, an optimal combination of their results was presented. An appraiser was used to recode the findings, clearly state what has been done, and show the usage of certain and defensible indicators for selecting input studies. According to the findings of synthesis, in the home-school sexual education curriculum, 12 entries were identified including: 1. Vital Arteries of Health, 2. harassment to rape: From prevention to treatment, 3. Growth, Development and Maturity in Human Life Cycle, 4. Human Communication Network: me exponent us, 5. Welfare skills, 6. Value driving and role-playing spirituality, 7. Sexual act, 8. Sexuality and gender identity, 9. Information-media highway, 10. Organizational empathy and cooperation, 11. Right, on the scale of justice, and 12. the reflection of socio-cultural norms on sexual issues. Among the elements of the sexual education curriculum to participate, were identified teachers, parents, students, and then specialists and religious scholars.

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