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Abdolreza Rokneddin Eftekhari, Samira Mahmoodi, Gholamreza Ghaffari, Mahdi Pourtaheri,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Social capital is being considered as way to achieve sustainable rural development as far asthe development experts are concerned. It is argued that social capital make the achievement of sustainable development possible taking into consideration provided opportunities and major societies constants at different levels including micro and macro level. In other word, social capital not only affects development process but also it is affected by as well. It is argued that social capital as a very important theoretical tool is capable of investigating the role of social variables regarding sustainable rural development. Lack of sufficient attention to rural settlers as social capital is a major challenge as far as sustainable rural development is concerned. This in turn could facilitate planning trend regarding rural sustainability through participation of rural settlers. Based on the relevant studies attention to social capital could enhance the achievement of sustainable rural development. Moreover, the relationship between social capital and level of rural development could well be justified by space economy and spatial dimension. Explanation of the phenomena and the spatial organization are affected by interaction of space and activities. Spatial dimension could exemplify itself in social processes and relationships. In effect, function of space is affected by space, time and social and economic mechanisms. As such this study aims to find out the relationship between social capital and rural development. It further tries to come up with social capital pattern.
Research method:
This study deals with analytical-descriptive research method based on both qualitative andquantitative methods. Sampling technique was random stratified sample. Based on physical location, distance, and number of households, six villages were selected from each class. Altogether, 18 villages were selected in the study area. Statistical society is composed of two groups that are local rural settlers (host community) and local authorities. Based on KMO test, social capital viability turned out to be 0:71. Moreover, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients used for evaluation of social capital in corresponding villages turned out to be 0.89. Social capital measures were selected through application of critical analysis over previous studies. In second phase, primary yardsticks and measures were screened in order to identify the prime social capital yardsticks with regard to sustainable development. Topsis technique was used for determination of social capital regarding level of development in sample villages.
Discussion and concluding:
Nowadays social capital is being considered as the most important development capital. As such, social capital with its spatial dimension is being known as a comprehensive strategy for achievement of social sustainability within sustainable development approach. It is because that the major objective of sustainable rural development based on social capital approach is promoting quality of life of local people, empowerment, capability formation, increase participation level as well as self-reliance, expanding rural communication network both in and outside of the villages and institutional development. This study suggests that there exist a relationship between social capital and level of rural development in the study area. It means that 63.5 percent of variation regarding level of development of the villages is explained by social capital. The magnitude of I index for determination of the corresponding spatial pattern based on social capital turned out to be 0.41. This figure compared with E (I) which is 0.03165 indicates that spatial pattern correspond with social capital of the studied villages incline toward multi pattern (concentrated and clustered). The highlight of this paper is first the endogenous nature of social capital and second confirmation of the past studies in this regard. Spatial pattern associated with social capital indicates that villages located in the center and in the proximity of large cities including Mashhad, Nishabur possess lower level of social capital. Heading toward the boundary of the province, the rate of rural social capital will increase.

Ali Alimadadi, Abdolhamid Nazari, Mahmood Moradi, Ramin Ghaffari,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

According to general census in 2011, rural population of the country has been over 21 million and 603 thousand people. Considering the per capita monthly subsidy equivalent to 455,000 riyals, it can be resulted that in the first three years of the project, over 353 trillion has been allocated to rural community. Calculations show that this amount is equivalent to 2.4% of the total budget intended for this period of time. It was the first time that this amount of cash was being directly distributed among villagers by its cost and expenditure management being transferred to the families themselves. It seems that this method of paying subsidies has greatly influenced on economic and social status of rural communities.
Considering economic and cultural structure of rural societies together with attempts to remedy the lack of liquidity, a large amount of subsidies granted is spending for household livelihood expenses such as food, non-food and service expenses. Therefore, in this article we are intended to investigate the impacts of targeted subsidies on the current status of livelihood expenses of rural households in different social strata as well as making a comparison of targeted subsidies in two geographical areas (Kalat and Binalud). Generally, in this research we are trying to find answers to the questions that: 1) how is the position of natural resources, economic capital and people s income in rural areas of Kalat and Binalud (Torghabeh Shandiz)? 2) How did targeted subsidies affect to change patterns of livelihood expenses in different classes of rural areas in the County of Kalat and Binalud? And is there any significant difference between the two areas or not?
This research is an applied one which has been provided using the quantitative approach of descriptive-analytical. This is an exploratory research, as well. Basically, it has been done using the principals of survey researches which has investigated the effects of targeted subsidies (independent variable) on livelihood expenses of rural households (dependent variable) applying post event processing. This research has done in the two cities of Kalat and Binalud located in Khorasan Razavi. There are two reasons for choosing these cities. First, these are greatly influenced by their position i.e., they are located near the metropolitan County of Mashhad. Then, due to the border location of the two cities, not many researchers have concentrated on the matter of development in these areas, yet. So, due to the importance of environmental contrasts in geography, data analysis has been conducted using comparative approach that helped us study different aspects of the matter to determine and classify the role of different geographical foundations (including natural conditions, the distribution of basic economic resources, income, and social conditions) in class differences among rural groups. We have eventually compared the impact of paying subsidies on the increase of income and consequently on changing spending patterns of livelihood expenses by the residents of the two areas. Questionnaires providing in two types of qualitative and quantitative are being considered as the main tools of the study. Quantitative questions are mostly intended to answer the first question of the research which includes some issues of households' social features (population, age, gender, education) and economic resources (occupation, expenses and income, land, livestock, housing, and machinery resources). Qualitative questions aim at the investigation of changes in spending patterns by rural households to answer the second question arose in the research. This type of questions consist of 8 main components (food and non-food items, educational, medical, and healthcare expenses, communication services, tourism, Energy, agricultural institutions) of more than 54 reagents.
Discussion and conclusion
Emphasizing sustainable livelihoods approach, this research aims at analyzing consequences of targeted subsidies plan on the changes in spending patterns in different social strata of rural communities. Then, comparing the results in the two areas of Kalat and Binalud we will be able to examine the impact of geographical factors. As contrasting foundations of every natural area can be considered to be the basis of economic and social differences of different societies that may be changed later by the government policies. According to the survey, particular environmental situations and capacities of rural settlements in each of these areas has made different economic functions at regional level related to local communications and its connection with the metropolitan County of Mashhad. These factors are so much effective that each single one can cause long-time consolidation of special economic, social and cultural mechanisms in rural areas and geographical environments. There is no doubt that these factors firstly influence the economic business of the studied area. In Binalud, there are approximately 10 % of rich families by an average monthly income of higher than 20 million riyals which are owning of almost about 21% of economic resources. In return, the rest 70% of low-income families (less than 10 million riyals) are providing with 52% of economic resources. This situation indicates bigger class differences in this area.
The above mentioned indicators are not so much far from each other in Kalat. Additionally, different interactions and communications between urban and rural areas and their impacts on the households' livelihoods caused changes in spending patterns of rural households. Because,b 65% of Kalat villagers mentioned that, compared to the past, after receiving cash subsidies no change occurred in their spending. As an overall conclusion, the new method of targeted subsidies has relatively influenced the increase of income in lower social classes (about 15 to 25%) and somewhat moderated class differences. This factor has greatly affected spending patterns and made it improved, while it can be said that, due to the free price of subsidized goods, it didn’t lead to the sustainable livelihood of households.

Mohammad Hossein Karim, Mehrshad Toulabi Nejad,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (3-2022)

In the national economy of Iran, despite many efforts, Iran's villages are faced with challenges in terms of comprehensive development, and although agriculture plays a vital role in the development of the rural economy of the country. And despite the great continuity between the rural community and agricultural activity, we have never witnessed advanced agriculture in the country. In fact, the Iranian agriculture sector has faced many issues and problems in recent years, and many farmers and gardeners have abandoned agriculture in recent years and has been sale of urban land. In Lorestan province, there are 40 percent of the Lorestan economy based on agriculture, which has fallen by 10% over the past censuses. In addition, the reduction of the number of agricultural sector employees, a small investment in sustainable land management reduced agricultural production, increasing soil erosion, low agricultural productivity. In order to maintain and develop the activities of the agricultural sector and in turn, the revival of rural areas and rural resurgence in Lorestan province and the elimination of critical problems and agricultural rehabilitation strategies are required to identify and consider these strategies for maintaining and developing activities Agriculture is planned and appropriate policies are developed and presented. Therefore, considering the importance of the subject in this study, the evaluation of agricultural regeneration and strategies for the revival of rural areas of Lorestan province was investigated.

Research Methodology
The present study is in terms of purpose, applied and method of doing it (qualitative and quantitative). To collect information and data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The theory studies were collected using documentary method. Field data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with experts. The statistical population includes various experts throughout Lorestan province. Using the targeted sample method, 70 samples were selected to complete the questionnaire and interview. To identify the indices and regeneration strategies (regeneration) of agriculture according to the method used in the research, first interviews and content analysis were identified for agricultural resuscitation strategies and to determine the time and weight of these strike from the fuzzy network analysis model (fuzzy network analysis) FANP) used. Then, using the QFD expansion model, the importance of agricultural reconstruction strategies and the indicators needed for the revitalization of rural areas. Also, to identify the revitalization strategies of rural areas of the village of Lorestan province, with an emphasis on agricultural revival, interviews with experts and the results of the QFD experimental model were used and the importance of implementing rural resurgence strategies was presented.

Discussion and Conclusion
One of the important strategies for reducing the problems and issues of rural communities and the development of rural economics is to pay attention to the development of agriculture as an infrastructure of rural development and revitalization. The new rural life is aimed at rebuilding and developing rural areas through economic development, environmental protection, planning and beautifying villages. However, the reconstruction of the agricultural sector in rural areas is necessary as the basis and basis for achieving this goal. Considering the importance of this issue, in this study, the evaluation of agricultural regeneration and regeneration strategies in the revival of rural areas of Lorestan province was investigated. The results showed that among the seven strategies, capitalization in the agricultural sector, the development of marketing agricultural products, supportive policies of farmers, modifying and changing the pattern of cultivation, increasing agricultural production, agricultural resources management and the development of agricultural entrepreneurship are the most important strategies Agricultural regeneration in rural areas of Lorestan province is required to be considered for agricultural development. Based on the results of the core of agricultural regeneration in rural areas, three strategies for investment in the agricultural sector, the development of agricultural products, and then supportive policies of agricultural activities related to rural life. Also, results in the field of regeneration strategies for the revival of rural areas of Lorestan, with the emphasis on the revival of the agricultural sector, according to the key requirements and the indicators obtained, showed that the education of human resources / management and local leadership, financial assistance / capital And government counseling, the social agent / strengthening of the participation of rural community, the optimal use of local resources and pla nning based on environmental resources / local facilities are the most important executive strategies for the revival of rural areas of Lorestan rural areas, with an emphasis on the revival of the agricultural sector.

Marzieh Pourjopari, Abouzar Paidar, Seyyed Hadi Tayebnia, Aliakbar Anabastani,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (12-2022)

Today, eco-tourism is one of the essential aspects of transformation, diversity and economic prosperity of rural communities, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, historical villages and traditional and local communities. Since eco-tourism has different contexts, capacities, patterns and aspects, it is necessary to identify and promote and strengthen patterns appropriate to the conditions of each village for planning the development of rural eco-tourism. Kerman Province has 330 eco-tourism units; most of these accommodation units have recently been set up in villages and tourist areas. Kerman County has always been the focus of tourists due to its historical background and the conditions governing the nature of this region. Considering the importance of tourism activities and eco-tourism in developing rural areas, hence improving the living conditions of the communities, this study analyzes the ability of eco-tourism attractions in Kerman County. Therefore, the central question of the research is, what will be the ideal model of eco-tourism development in the villages of Kerman County?

In terms of the objective, the current research is applied research, and its nature is descriptive-analytical. Collecting information combines two library methods (documents) and survey (field-based questionnaires and interviews). The research questionnaire collects the required information from 37 components in economic, social-cultural, environmental, security, physical-spatial, and several variables. The content validity of the questionnaire was verified from the point of view of professors and experts in the field of geography. Also, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to verify the reliability of many research questions. Cronbach's alpha of most variables is more significant than 0.7, so the reliability of all variables is confirmed. In addition, the average variance extracted is always more than 0.5, so the convergent validity is also confirmed.

Discussion and conclusion
According to the findings, eco-tourism development has generally had positive effects in all dimensions and components, although to different extents. The observed factor load has a value greater than 0.3 in most cases. Therefore, there was a proper correlation between the visible and hidden variables. However, the development of eco-tourism has not been able to be brought up in the villages properly. It is possible to state in a general way the pattern of eco-tourism development in the villages of Kerman city. Generally, the model is based on economic empowerment. In this way, in the first step, rural areas should generally be improved in factors such as unemployment reduction, job diversity and stable employment, stable income, investment of villagers in tourism, entry of non-native investors, product branding, packaging, conversion and Processing all kinds of livestock and agricultural products, creating and expanding local markets, overcoming the inability and dependence or lack of dependence on foreign resources and products (city) and the government for villagers, equal access to opportunities and resources, the dynamics of the supply chain and value in the village, supporting and empowering the deprived sections of the society. Also, the shape of the eco-tourism development pattern for Joshan, Sirach, Mazieh and Akhtarabad Rural Districts is considered physical-spatial, which means that in terms of construction, strengthening of buildings, use of local materials in construction and creation of attractiveness, improvement and widening of roads and bridges, embellishment, lighting of roads need to be improved. In other rural districts like Mahan, a security model is suggested, so political stability, public and personal security, and reduction of crimes and anomalies inside the village and houses, outside the village on roads and virgin areas are more important than other dimensions. In Qanatghistan, environmental aspects like the preservation and expansion of pastures, medicinal plants, water and soil resources, animal life, and new and sustainable energies should be considered. The pattern of development of Rayen and Hossein Abad tourism has a social and cultural format, which includes preserving and expanding customs, the way of holding and organizing celebrations and weddings, mourning, occasions, games, music, dance, show, preservation and expansion of beliefs and cultures and native architecture, preservation of historical buildings (mosques, caravanserais, shrines, castles, tombs, baths); The ideal model for the development of eco-tourism in other villages such as Koirat, Zangi-Abad, Drakhngan, Sar Asiyab, Baghin is an economic and environmental model; Takab and Andohjerd: economic and socio-cultural; And Kashit: physical-spatial and security combined.


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