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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

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Showing 2 results for Formalism

Mohammad Khosravi Shakib,
year 17, Issue 66 (3-2010)

Dominance is one of the most vital and creative key terms which bounds up with the linguistic approach to formalism. According to critics’ definitions, “Dominance” has the potential to govern the elements of structure.  It is palpable to that the consistency of structure and coherence is indebted to “Dominance” so that we can argue that  comprehensiveness of this element is a kind of guaranty for understanding the elegancy of form and structure of poems. This dominance rules over other elements of language poetry and locates them in the right position. We can maintain that  “dominance” emerges in the exterior aspects of structure through symbols, repetition of lines, and mottos, proverbs, and other kinds of repetition. Furthermore, “Dominance” has some crucial functions which are extremely imperative for recognizing external aspect of pomes. To enrich the orchestration, making a skeleton for structure, monotone, fragmentation of structure, open end ness of poem, reasonable the verse and another important function. In this article, the functions of Dominance which is an essential element in the surface of contemporary poetry in Iran, will be fully discussed. 

Narges Moradganjeh, Bijan Zahirinav, Shokrollah Pour-Alkhas,
year 27, Issue 87 (12-2019)

Paradox is one of the literary techniques in the poetry of the Safavid poets. Hazin-e Lahiji, like so many other poets of that age, employed this technique in his pursuit and showed that "unfamiliar meaning". Paradox is used in the poetry of Hazin-e Lahiji for the purpose of defamiliarization and exoticism. The poet in order to create new implications and subtle and insightful points and also to express mystical notions, Love, free thoughts and ethical arguments has used this literary figure. This article is comprised of some parts. At the beginning and in the theoretical section and literature review, Paradox is defined and its difference from other literary terms, and the state of this literary trope in literature and literary glossaries in the past and present have been discussed. In the practical part, the different kinds of paradox, such as verbal and semantic paradoxes, descriptive and relational compounds have been explained and the features of paradoxes in Hazin’s poetry and synesthesia as a kind of paradox have been discussed.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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