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Showing 1 results for The Average of the Shear Wave Velocity

R. Yazdanfar, N. Hafezi Moghadas, H Sadeghi, Mr Ghayamghamian,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2016)

 The average of shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m has so far been one of the reliable parameters in seismic site classification in different building codes, despite the numerous weaknesses in the exact explanation of site dynamic characteristics. In this study, an empirical relationship is obtained between the average of the shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m and the average of the shear wave velocity of shallower depths, based on 79 shear wave velocity profiles, in Mashhad. This is followed by the recommendation of proper depths for the dynamic analysis of the site effect based on the information of shear wave velocity profiles and resonance period distribution in the investigated area. The depth of the S-wave velocity profile investigation, required for the analysis of deposit effects has been estimated more than 30 m. whith exception of the southern and western parts of Mashhad (adjacent hillsides). Such depth is estimated as about 80 m for central, eastern, and north-eastern areas, where the resonance period is more than 0.7 s. Therefore, investigation depth of 30 m is only adequate for site classification based on the building codes, and for theoretical analysis deeper studies is needed, in Mashhad

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